-HCW Finaly Recognized - 12/9/06
Earlier this month Haltom City Wrestling was reconized by " The
Voice of Backyard Wrestling", as an official wrestling group. Now HCW is placed alongside many other wreslting groups
which can be found on "The Voice of Backyard Wrestling" myspace page. Lexington Hardcastle had this
to say about the anoucenment. "As the owner of the HCW company, I'm very happy to hear that we have become reconized among
our peers. It takes much time, hard work, together with dedication to keep HCW on its feet. Its not always easy to do
this but its what we take pride in. So much time and effort are spent to keep the web site updated every week, making a new
highlight video every month and reparing and remodeling our ring and set. The people behind the scenes, all the HCW wrestlers and myself
aswell, enjoy the fact there are people out there that appreciate all the hard work we do."
by- Marty Jackosn
What did The Big K have to say about his HCW peers?
-BIG K. RELEASED... 01/14/06
The HCW has released The Big K, due to tardiness to shows and/or,
not appearing at all.
-INJURY UPDATE... 12-16-05
X-Rays decided the fate of this decision. Following
the ladder match with the Freight Train, X-Rays revealed that J.J. Haggard has a shattered kneecap. This injury could
very well play out in his decision to continue his wrestling career. Haggard will still take part in the backstage aspect
of the show.
-GOODBYE TO YOU... 12-15-05
The HCW has parted ways with The Big Money Hustler and Crazy Eights,
following a conviction of illegal activity the two were involved with. They were found guilty of betting on HCW matches.
-CHUPA SUSPENDED!... 12-01-05
Just days after being defeated by Topher for the HCW Championship, Chupa received even
more bad news. Drug tests determined the worst, and the HCW has suspended the superstar indefinetly.